John and Jaclyn status update

Hi all,
Yes, if you watched local channel 2/7 in Calgary yesterday or this morning, that was my daughter Jaclyn on the news. As usual, they did their usual crappy reporting and neglected to mention that she is my daughter, and that myself, Val, and her brother and sisters were all put on tamiflu and quarantined also. The good news, she is doing fine, they have taken her off of the paralytics, and they are trying to wake her up as reported. She is moving a bit now, still unconscious, still on the respirator, and we have been told that she should not backslide anymore! woo hoo! The bad part has been that none of her family has been able to visit her since last Thursday and we won't be able to see her till Saturday. The other good news is that even though my future son-in-law had the h1n1 also, he was treated with the tamiflu and recovered within 2 days. None of the rest of us showed any signs of the h1n1 either, thank goodness. It has been a very difficult last 10 days but the things are looking far, far better than last week!

If you are on facebook, the Pray for Jaclyn Bates group is:

Okay, my news. I am doing quite well physically, emotionally, Val and I are still a bit of a basket case, so bear with me the next couple of days. Since I will be going for my stem cell transplant in 12 days (12 days!!!), I am not allowed to see my daughter until she is moved out of the ICU. 8-(

My teeth are slowly healing, most people can't even tell I lost 4 teeth! I will not be in the office until Monday and then it will depend on how many sickies are there. If anyone is sick in the office, I will wind up working from home which will really suck. My brother donor ha passed all of his medical and he will have the stem cells harvested the same day they are put into me. I have the joy of my last chemo at the PLC tomorrow morning and then a bone marrow aspiration late tomorrow afternoon. woo hoo! Just what I need, can't see my daughter, and some pain to look forward to going into the weekend. Maybe I should just slam my hand in a door and get it over with! 8-)  Kidding of course, as long as I can open my eyes, I'm a happy guy!

Johnism:  Where there is breath, there is hope!