Posted by
John Bates
on Thursday, April 30, 2009
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April 30 - May 11: I am still quite fatigued but still able to mostly work. I have been to the useless doc at least twice, he has not had any response back from the specialist, and he has not followed up with a phone call to him. By May 11, I am fed up with him and I go to see him and ask him for an update. No phone call to the specialist, again. He is going to call him, finally, if he doesn't hear back from him about the now urgent fax. I ask for and get a copy of my test results from him and tell him I am getting a second opinion.
Posted by
John Bates
on Wednesday, April 29, 2009
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I didn’t hear anything from the useless doc, so my wife and I went to see him. He thought his office had phoned us to come in, we told him no, we hadn't heard anything and want to know what is going on. He tells me that there is a strong possibility of cancer, 1 of 2 types but he can't tell us which. I ask him for a prognosis, and he won't give me one. He says he'll fax the results to a blood specialist and he'll let me know when I get an appointment. He will not tell us the specialist name or give us his number.
Posted by
John Bates
on Tuesday, April 28, 2009
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Ultrasound was done. It took 2.5 hours. This is the first real indication that something is quite serious, I have an enlarged spleen and massively enlarged liver. They tried calling the useless doc but they weren't picking up the phone so they faxed the results to him within an hour.