day 15

The day is done, and I'm now completely bald! and clean shaven! yow! Hopefully people will recognize me by the time I get back to work. Eating a bit more, but they keep on mixing up my food here at the hospital. Getting a day pass tomorrow, and hopefully an overnight one! REALLY looking forward to that. Doctor is still a bit surprised at how well my mouth is doing with the sores, which are pretty much gone, and my counts were up again today! yay! The only thing bugging me now is a swollen throat from the mouth sores. I'm told a couple of more days, and that should be cleared up to.

Day 14

Well, day 14 has come and gone. An okay day, extremely frustrating for work though. It always surprises me how a single person panicking can ruin your whole day. But, that's what I get paid for, I suppose. Nausea was less, eating more and more, which is really good. Doctor told me today that I'm ahead of schedule which is awesome! I'm having to get my wife to bring in food from home now, I just can't eat the food here (insert hospital food joke here) but that's a hurdle easily overcome. I haven't had to use pain medication for a couple of days now, which is great.

One unfortunate thing, some idiot showed up on the hospital floor with h1n1, so the unit is now in complete lockdown. No visitors, unless they have had the h1n1 shot. I wish people would smarten up and wash their hands and cough into their sleeves. Oh, I have now lost all my facial hair! yow!