Wow, do I ever like my chemo! I am now halfway through the 3rd cycle of the 3rd type of chemo, and it is working wonders. The doctor has decided he is going to keep me on this chemo for a while. Best news so far, the cancer has now disappeared from my blood and has been gone for about 3 weeks now! My spleen is cooperating nicely by shrinking at a very nice rate also. The liver is shrinking, but not as fast as the spleen. Ah well, one thing at a time! I have also gained 20 lbs in the last 6 weeks. What a difference the Velcade has made for me.

Looks like the Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) is a for sure thing now. Interestingly, my cancer reacts better with an outside donor rather than using my own blood! Stupid aggressive cancer! They are thinking that the BMT will be in January, that gives me 3 months to get into shape!

I am now back at work 3 days a week, even during chemo weeks. I still have to be very careful around people with colds or flu though, so I carry a flu mask with me at all times. The side effects are still annoying, but very livable. All in all, I am an extremely lucky guy. 

Any questions, let me know.  There will be a number of changes to the blog over the next couple of days, so be sure to take a look at it. I will be including a diary section also, so here is your warning: you may want some tissues around. I'm doing really, really well, but a few people I know in the treatment room have had a very difficult last month. It's been a bit emotionally draining for myself and my wife. 

Remember: EVERY DAY is a good day. The purpose of life is to LIVE!!!  more random John sayings(Johnism's) as time goes on.....

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